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余聂芳 教授
发布时间:2016/03/25   阅读量:


余聂芳,教授,博士生导师。1999年博士毕业于法国里尔巴斯德研究院和里尔第二大学药学院(Faculté dePharmacy, Université de Lille II),获博士学位。其后,先后在美国Thomas Jefferson大学(1999-2000),田纳西大学Memphis分校和St Jude儿童医院(2000-2001)从事博士后研究工作。2002年3月加入美国Chiron公司和新加坡经济战略发展局(EDB)联合组建的药物研究与开发公司-S*BIO PTE LTD。2006年5月辞职回国,任在线体育博彩 药学院分子设计与药物发现研究所所长,升华学者,教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向包括药物分子设计和酶抑制剂的设计与合成。主要研究内容包括用计算机药物辅助设计,组合化学,及现代有机合成技术来进行抗肿瘤药物等的先导化合物的寻找设计及研究与开发。



Dr NiefangYu received his Ph.D. in 1999 in medicinal chemistry from Intitut Pasteur deLille and Faculté de Pharmacie, Univerisité de Lille II, France, working oncombinatorial chemistry and molecular design, under supervision of ProfessorsJean-Claude Jesquiére and André Tartar. From 1999-2000, he did postdoctoralresearch in Professor Ziwei Huang’s laboratory, Kimmel Cancer Center, JeffersonMedical College, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia. During 2000-2002,Dr Yu continued his postdoctoral training in Professors Richard Lee and CharlesO. Rock’s laboratories, University of Tennessee in Memphis and St JudeChildren’s Research Hospital, focusing on computer-aided drug design andsynthesis of PanK inhibitors as antimicrobial agents. Dr Yu was recruited toS*BIO PTE LTD in March 2002, a co-venture of Chiron (USA) and EDB of Singapore,as a scientist, working on design and synthesis of anticancer drugs. In May2006, Dr Yu resigned from S*Bio and joined Central South University, as aprofessor in medicinal chemistry and director of the Institute of MolecularDesign & Drug Discovery.


DrYu’s research interests include the understanding of chemical basis ofmolecular recognition in protein-ligand interactions, and translating suchbasic knowledge into the discovery of new drugs. The major research focus of DrYu’s group is the design and synthesis of novel anticancer chemotherapeutics.Aided by closely collaborations with microbiologists, biochemists, structurebiologists, the primary interest of Dr Yu’s group is to generate novel chemicalmodulators of protein/enzyme biological function and use them as smallmolecular probes to explore the structure-function relationship and molecularmechanism of biological processes involved in cancer cell biology. The secondgoal is to further develop these molecular probes into new anticancertherapeutic agents. One example is our focus on design and synthesis of histonedeacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors. HDACs play important roles in cancer cellproliferation. Through precise computer-aided drug design, Dr Yu had proposed ahypothesis and based on his hypothesis, he was able to design novel andpatentable target compounds with highly potent and selective enzymatic andcell-based activities against various cell lines. Series of patents aboutdesign and synthesis of HDAC inhibitors have been applied based on above DrYu’s concept. Among the target compounds designed by Dr Yu and synthesis by himand his colleagues in S*Bio, SB939 was proved to be the best-of-the-class sofar regarding to tumor growth inhibition with excellent PK/PD profiles.

Thetypical research progression in Dr Yu’s group includes: target selection; leadidentification based on either database and literature searching, and/ordenovodesign; design and synthesis of novel focus libraries based on diverse& well-designed patentable scaffolds and/or selected privileged scaffolds;invitrobiological evaluation; lead optimization through precisecomputer-aided drug design;in vivobiological evaluation; syntheticprocess development of important scaffolds as well as their intermediates. Thecore skills of Dr Yu’s laboratory are modern organic synthesis, high throughputparallel synthesis, and computer-aided drug design.


1 Startingfunds for schloar of SHENGHUA, Central South University

2National Scientific Foundation of China, Project No. 30772645

3National Scientific Foundation of China, Project No. 30873137


Amongothers, facility resources in our group also include:

Wellequipped organic synthesis laboratories;

Advancedcomputer-aided drug design resources;

Nicedecorated and equipped offices.


Wehave postdoctoral and technical staff positions available in our exciting andexpanding multi-disciplinary research programs, especially in the followingareas: (1) protein biochemistry; (2) organic chemistry, and/or medicinalchemistry; (3) computer modeling, bioinformatics and drug design.

Weare also interested in graduate students and PhD students to join our labworking on all of the above areas.

SendCurriculum vitae with your telephone number and email address to:

NiefangYu, PhD

Professorand Director

Instituteof Molecular Design and Drug Discovery

Schoolof Pharmaceutical Sciences

CentralSouth University


P. R.China

[email protected]




1.Haishan Wang,Niefang Yu, Hongyan Song, Dizhong Chen, Yong Zou,Weiping Deng, Pek Ling Lye, Joyce Chang, Melvin Ng, Stéphanie Blanchard, EricT. Sun, Kanda Sangthongpitag, Xukun Wang, Kee Chuan Goh, Xiaofeng Wu, Hwee HoonKhng, Lijuan Fang, Siok Kun Goh, Wai Chung Ong, Zahid Bonday, Walter Stünkel,Anders Poulsen, Michael Entzeroth.N-Hydroxy-1,2-disubstituted-1H-benzimidazol-5-yl acrylamides as novel histonedeacetylase inhibitors: Design, synthesis, SAR studies, and in vivo antitumoractivity.Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters,2009, 19:1403–1408.

2.Yu,Niefang; Liu, Xiaoyu; Hu, Xiaodong. Preparation of cinnamoylhydroxamicacid derivatives as histone deacetylase inhibitors for treatment of cancer.Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu (2009), 36pp. CODEN: CNXXEV CN101417967 A 20090429

3.Wen WU, Cheng LU, Si-yu CHEN,Niefang YU: the signal transductionpathway of multi-target kinase inhibitors as anticancer agents in clinical useor in phase III,Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica, 2009, 44(3):242-257.

4.NiefangYuand Mingrong Wang: Anticancer Drug Discovery Targeting DNAHypermethylation.Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2008, 15(14), 1350-3375.

5.MaDayou andNiefang Yu: Synthesis of Novel 2-ArylaminopyrimidineDerivatives.Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2008,28(8),1448-1453.


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