PharmacologicalReviews,Cancer Research,Oncogene, Autophagy, Molecular CancerTherapeutics, CellDeath & Disease
等国际著名期刊发表学术论文40余篇,其中第一或通讯作者SCI论文16篇(4篇影响因子大于10分)。作为编委参编国内外相关学术专著3部:«高等药理学»,«Autophagy in Health and Disease»,«自噬-生物学与疾病»。
1.Cheng Y, Ren XC, Hait WN, Yang JM.Therapeutic targeting ofautophagy in disease: biology and pharmacology.PharmacolRev. 65(4): 1162-1197, 2013.
2.Cheng Y*, Ren XC, Zhang Y, Shan Y,Huber-Keener KJ, Zhang L,Kimball SR, Harvey H, Jefferson LS, Yang JM*.Integrated Regulation of autophagyandapoptosis by EEF2K controls cellular fate and modulates the efficacy ofcurcuminand velcade against tumor cells.Autophagy. 9(2): 208-219, 2013.(共同通迅作者)
3.Cheng Y, Ren XC, Zhang Y, Patel R,Sharma A, Wu H, Robertson G,Yan L, Rubin E, Yang JM. Elongation factor-2kinase dictates cross-talk betweenAkt inhibition-induced autophagy andapoptosis and modulates cytotoxicity ofMK2206, a novel inhibitor of Akt.CancerResearch. 71(7): 2654-2663, 2011.
4.Cheng Y*, Ren XC, Gowda P, Shan Y, ZhangL, Yuan YS, Patel R,Wu H, Huber-Keener KJ, Yang JW, Liu D, Spratt TE, YangJM*. Interaction of sirt3with OGG1 contributes to repair of mitochondrial DNAand protects from apoptoticcell death under oxidative stress.CellDeath & Disease. 4: e731, 2013.(共同通迅作者)
5.Cheng Y*, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Ren XC,Huber-Keener KJ, Liu XY,Zhou L, Liao J, Keihack H, Yan L, Rubin E, Yang JM*.MK-2206, a novel allostericinhibitor of Akt, synergizes with gefitinib againstmalignant glioma viamodulating both autophagy and apoptosis.MolCancer Ther. 11(1): 154-164, 2012.(共同通迅作者)
6.Cheng Y, Sk UH, Zheng Y, Ren XC, ZhengL, Huber-Keener KJ, SunYW, Amin S, Sharma AK, Yang JM. Rational incorporationof selenium intotemozolomide elicits superior antitumor activity associatedwith both apoptoticand autophagic cell death.PLoS ONE. 7(4):e35104,2012.
7.Cheng Y,Qiu F, Ye YC, Guo ZM, TashiroS, Onodera S, Ikejima T.Autophagyinhibites reactive oxygen species-mediated apoptosis viaactivatingp38-nuclear factor-kappa B survival pathways in oridonin-treatedmurinefibrosarcoma L929 cells.FEBS Journal.276(5):1291-13062009.
8.Niu TK#,Cheng Y#,Ren XC, Yang JM.Interaction of Beclin 1 with Survivin regulates sensitivity ofhuman gliomacells to TRAIL-induced autophagy.FEBS Letters.584(16):3519-3524,2010.(共同第一作者).
9.Cheng Y,Qiu F, Ye YC, Tashiro S,Onodera S, Ikejima T. Oridonininduces G2/M arrest and apoptosis via activatingERK-p53 apoptotic pathway andinhibiting PTK-Ras-Raf-JNK survival pathway inmurine fibrosarcoma L929 cells.Arch Biochem Biophys.490(1): 70–75,2009.
10.Cheng Y,Qiu F, Tashiro S, Onodera S, Ikejima T. ERK and JNKmediateTNFá-induced p53activation in apoptotic and autophagic L929 cell death.BiochemBiophys Res Commun.376(3): 483-488, 2008.
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