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彭军 教授
发布时间:2018/09/05   阅读量:


通讯地址:长沙市湘雅路110号,在线体育博彩 药理学系,



电子邮件:[email protected]


彭军,男,1968年8月出生,研究员、二级教授,博士生导师,在线体育博彩 “升华学者计划”特聘教授。1991年毕业于湖南医科大学, 1997年获湖南医科大学生物化学硕士学位, 2002年获在线体育博彩 药理学博士学位。2002-2007年在美国华盛顿州立大学从事博士后工作。现为体育博彩公司排名-在线体育博彩 药理学系主任,兼任《中国动脉硬化杂志》编委、国际动脉硬化学会中国分会理事、中国动脉硬化专业委员会委员、中国药理学学会心血管专业委员会委员、中药与天然药物药理专业委员会委员、湖南省药学会理事、湖南省生理学会常务理事、湖南省药理学会秘书长等职。

主要方向为内源性活性物质在心脑血管疾病中作用和机制及药物防治,已Circulation、Proc. Natl. Acad.Sci. USA、Circ Res、Basic Res Cardiol、Clin Sci等国际权威和知名期刊发表论文90余篇,参编教材2部(国家级药学类规划教材《药理学》)和专5部(《心血管药理学》、《药理实验方法学》等)。先后获得全国优秀博士学位论文奖、湖南省青年科技奖、中华医学科技奖、湖南省科学技术进步奖等多项奖励。先后主持国家自然科学基金5项(包括重大研究计划1项)以及美国心脏学会博士后基金、全国优博专项基金、教育部博士点基金(博导类)和湖南省自然科学基金重点项目各1项;参与国家“973”计划项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目、美国NIH项目等多项;2008年入选湖南省普通高校学科带头人培养对象,2010年入选湖南省“121”人才工程。


  1. Zhang YZ, Wang L, Zhang JJ, Xiong XM, Zhang D, Tang XM, Luo XJ, Ma QL,Peng J*(彭军,通讯作者). Vascular peroxide 1 promotes ox-LDL-induced programmed necrosis in endothelial cells through a mechanism involving β-catenin signaling. Atherosclerosis. 2018; 274:128-138.

  2. Zhang YS, Tang LJ, Tu H, Wang SJ, Liu B, Zhang XJ, Li NS, Luo XJ,Peng J*(彭军,通讯作者). Fasudil ameliorates the ischemia/reperfusion oxidative injury in rat hearts through suppression of myosin regulatory light chain/NADPH oxidase 2 pathway. Eur J Pharmacol. 2018;822:1-12.

  3. Zhang JJ, Zhang YZ, Peng JJ, Li NS, Xiong XM, Ma QL, Luo XJ, Liu B,Peng J*(彭军,通讯作者). Atorvastatin exerts inhibitory effect on endothelial senescence in hyperlipidemic rats through a mechanism involving down-regulation of miR-21-5p/203a-3p. Mech Ageing Dev. 2018; 169:10-18.

  4. Tian J, Guo S, Chen H, Peng JJ, Jia MM, Li NS, Zhang XJ, Yang J, Luo XJ,Peng J*(彭军,通讯作者).Combination of Emricasan with Ponatinib Synergistically Reduces Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Rat Brain Through Simultaneous Prevention of Apoptosis and Necroptosis. Transl Stroke Res. 2018; 9(4): 382-392.

  5. Peng JJ, Liu B, Xu JY,Peng J*(彭军,通讯作者), Luo XJ*. NADPH oxidase: its potential role in promotion of pulmonary arterial hypertension. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 2017; 390(4): 331-338

  6. Li TB, Zhang JJ, Liu B, Luo XJ,Ma QL*,Peng J*(彭军,通讯作者). Dysfunction of endothelial progenitor cells in hyperlipidemic rats involves the increase of NADPH oxidase-derived reactive oxygen species production. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2017; 95(5):474-480.

  7. Liu B, Ren KD, Peng JJ, Li T, Luo XJ, Fan C, Yang JF,Peng J*(彭军,通讯作者).Suppression of NADPH oxidase attenuates hypoxia-induced dysfunctions of endothelial progenitor cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017; 482(4):1080-1087.

  8. Li JH, Ju GX, Jiang JL, Li NS,Peng J*(彭军,通讯作者), Luo XJ*. Lipoic acid protects gastric mucosa from ethanol-induced injury in rat through a mechanism involving aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 activation. Alcohol. 2016; 56:21-28. doi: 10.1016/j.alcohol.2016.10.004.

9. Yang ZB, Li TB, Zhang Z, Ren KD, Zheng ZF, Peng J, Luo XJ. The Diagnostic Value of Circulating Brain-specific MicroRNAs for Ischemic Stroke. Intern Med. 2016;55(10):1279-86.

  1. Peng J*(彭军,并列第一), Ren KD*, Yang J, Luo XJ. Mitochondrial E3 ubiquitin ligase 1: A key enzyme in regulation of mitochondrial dynamics and functions. Mitochondrion. 2016; 28:49-53.

  2. Li TB, Zhang JJ, Liu B, Liu WQ, Wu Y, Xiong XM, Luo XJ, Ma QL,Peng J*(彭军,通讯作者).Involvement of NADPH oxidases and non-muscle myosin light chain in senescence of endothelial progenitor cells in hyperlipidemia. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 2016; 389(3):289-302.

  3. Wu Y, Zhang JJ, Li TB, Liu WQ, Li LS, Luo XJ, Jiang JL, Ma QL, Yang ZC,Peng J*(彭军,通讯作者).Phosphorylation of Nonmuscle Myosin Light Chain Promotes Endothelial Injury in Hyperlipidemic Rats Through a Mechanism Involving Downregulation of Dimethylarginine Dimethylaminohydrolase 2. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2016; 21(6):536-548.

  4. Liu B, Li T, Peng JJ, Zhang JJ, Liu WQ, Luo XJ, Ma QL, Gong ZC,Peng J*(彭军,通讯作者). Non-muscle myosin light chain promotes endothelial progenitor cells senescence and dysfunction in pulmonary hypertensive rats through up-regulation of NADPH oxidase. Eur J Pharmacol. 2016;775:67-77.

  5. YangZB, LuoXJ, RenKD, PengJJ, TanB, LiuB, LouZ, XiongXM, ZhangXJ, Ren X,Peng J*(彭军,通讯作者). Beneficial effect of magnesium lithospermate B on cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats involves the regulation of miR-107/glutamate transporter 1 pathway. Eur J Pharmacol. 2015; 766: 91-98.

  6. Zhang HF, Li TB, Liu B, Lou Z, Zhang JJ, Peng JJ, Zhang XJ, Ma QL,Peng J*, Luo XJ. Inhibition of myosin light chain kinase reduces NADPH oxidase-mediated oxidative injury in rat brain following cerebral ischemia/reperfusion. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 2015; 388(9): 953-632.

  7. Zhang YS, Liu B, Luo XJ, Li TB, Zhang JJ, Peng JJ, Zhang XJ, Ma QL, Hu CP, Li YJ,Peng J*(彭军,通讯作者), Li Q. Nuclear cardiac myosin light chain 2 modulates NADPH oxidase 2 expression in myocardium: a novel function beyond muscle contraction. Basic Res Cardiol. 2015;110(4):38

  8. Zhang YS, Liu B, Luo XJ, Zhang JJ, Li NS, Ma QL, Jiang JL, Li YJ, Li Q,Peng J*(彭军,通讯作者). A novel function of nuclear nonmuscle myosin regulatory light chain in promotion of xanthine oxidase transcription after myocardial ischemia/reperfusion. Free Radic Biol Med. 2015; 83:115-128.

  9. Peng J(彭军), Liu B, Ma QL, Luo XJ. Dysfunctional endothelial progenitor cells in cardiovascular diseases: role of NADPH oxidase. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2015; 65(1):80-7.

  10. Luo XJ, Liu B, Ma QL,Peng J*(彭军,通讯作者). Mitochondrial AldehydDehydrogenase, a Potential Drug Target for Protection of Heart and Brain from Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury. Curr Drug Targets. 2014;15(10): 948-55.

  11. Yang ZB, Zhang Z, Li TB, Lou Z, Li SY, Yang H, Yang J, Luo XJ,Peng J*(彭军,通讯作者). Up-regulation of brain-enriched miR-107 promotes excitatory neurotoxicity through down-regulation of glutamate transporter-1 expression following ischaemic stroke. Clin Sci (Lond). 2014;127(12):679-89.

  12. Ma QL, Zhang GG,Peng J*(彭军,通讯作者). Vascular Peroxidase 1: a Novel Enzyme in Promoting Oxidative Stress in Cardiovascular System. Trends Cardiovasc Med, 2013, 23: 179-183.

  13. Zhang YS, He L, Liu B, Li NS, Luo XJ, Hu CP, Ma QL, Zhang GG, Li YJ,Peng J*(彭军,通讯作者). A novel pathway of NADPH oxidase/vascular peroxidase 1 in mediating oxidative injury following ischemia – reperfusion. Basic Res Cardiol, 2012, 107(3):266.

  14. He L, Liu B, Dai Z, Zhang HF, Zhang YS, Luo XJ, Ma QL,Peng J* (彭军,通讯作者). Alpha lipoic acid protects heart against myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury through a mechanism involving aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 activation. Eur J Pharmacol. 2012; 678(1-3):32-8.

  15. Peng J(彭军), Raddatz K, Molkentin JD, Yiming Wu, Granzier H, Gotthardt M. Cardiac hypertrophy and reduced contractility in hearts deficient in titin kinase region. Circulation,2007, 115(6):743-51.

