教授 、硕士生导师 、博士生导师

药学院教授,“升华猎英计划”人才。系美国化学会、国际光学工程学会、澳洲流体力学学会会员,Lab Chip,Appl. Phys. Lett.等国际期刊的特邀审稿人。多年来一直从事微流控芯片相关研究,精通微流体芯片制备流程、微流体操控及其检测技术设备开发。在芯片毛细管电泳电化学检测技术研究、生化武器微流控芯片检测设备、药物携带型微气泡超声造影剂制备、单分子检测技术和MicroPIV技术等方面都取得了突出的原创性成果,发表论著十多篇,包括2篇在本领域最有影响的原创性SCI检索论文。曾为LG公司开发应用于血糖检测的手持式电化学检测设备,以及为澳大利亚国家科学安全与技术部开发多个版本的便携式化学武器检测仪。拥有2项国际专利。曾多次在国际学术会议上作报告,并有特邀报告的经历。2011年回国后主持多项国家自然科学基金。所指导研究生已多次获得国家奖学金并有SCI等检索论文发表。
1、 电化学法微流控芯片便携式检测设备开发及其在药物分析中的应用研究
2、 单分散微\纳米液滴及微球制备、单分散微气泡超声造影剂制备研究
3、 微流控方法高通量并行分析研究
4、 表面增强拉曼光谱及其在药物分析中的应用
C. Chen, T. Hong, W. Liu, X. Gao, Q. Gong, Drug-loaded microbubbles combined with ultrasound for thrombolysis and malignant tumor therapy [J]: BioMed Research International, 2019
Dual-channel Microchip Electrophoresis with Amperometric Detection System for Rapid Analysis of Cefoperazone and Sulbactam [J]: Anal. Sci, 2007, 35: 1103-1109
T. Hong, W. Liu, C. Chen, Novel approaches for biomolecule immobilization in microscale systems [J]: Analyst, 2019, 144: 3912-3924
C. Chen, W. Liu, A. Lu, T. Hong, Microdroplet synthesis of silver nanoparticles with controlled sizes [J]: Micromachines, 2019, 10: 274(1-10)
C. Chen, M. Li, W. Liu, T. Hong, Recent advances in the fabrication and application of nanomaterial-based enzymatic microsystems in chemical and biological sciences [J]: Anal. Chim. Acta, 1067: 31-47
T. Hong, S. Tian, W. Liu, C. Chen, Novel surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy techniques for DNA, protein and drug detection [J]: Sensors, 2019, 19: 1712(1-21)
C. Chen*, W. Liu, W. Liang, T. Hong, 13. S. Peng, A multichannel microchip containing 16 chambers packed with antibody-functionalized beads for immunofluorescence assay [J]: Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2019, 411: 1579-1589
T. Hong, P. Jiang, W. Liu, C. Chen, Coaxial electrohydrodynamic atomization for the production of drug-loaded micro/nanoparticles [J]: Micromachines, 2019, 2(10): 125(1-15)
C. Chen, M. Li, W. Liu, T. Hong, Click chemistry at the microscale [J]: Analyst, 2019, 144: 1492 -1512
C. Chen, W. Liu, Y. Zhang, X. Huang, J. Cheng, J. Long, Analysis of Phenformin Hydrochloride and Atypical Antipsychotics in Plasma Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering [J]. Vib. Spectrosc, 2019, 101: 46-51
C. Chen, J. Xiao, L. Liu, X. Yan, W. Liu, C. Bao, G. Zhu, ‘Rapid Detection of AGs Using Microchip Capillary Electrophoresis Contactless Conductivity Detection [J]: Curr. Pharm. Anal., 2019, 15: 9-16
J.-H. Hahn, J. H. Ahn, C. P. Chen, M. Li*, K. Yang, H. H. Quan, L. Zhang, A composable module-type cyanide microfluidic sensor based on polydimethylsiloxane membrane pervaporative sampling with sodium bicarbonate internal-pressure regulation and dual fluorescence/potentiometric monitoring [J]. Sens. Actuators B, 2018, 259: 926-934
C. Chen, W. Liu, Q. Song, J. Chen, J. Cheng, A. Lu, X. He, Overview of the application of flow microreactors in the synthesis of silver nanomaterials [J]: Nano, 2017, 12(11): 1730002.
C. Chen, J. Xiao*, X. Yan, W. Liu, Q. Song, G. Zhu, A Gold Nanoparticle-Modified Indium Tin Oxide Microelectrode for In-channel Amperometric Detection in Dual-Channel Microchip Electrophoresis [J]: Anal. Methods, 2017, 9: 4319-4326
C. Chen, W. Liu, Y. Shi, Two-Step Centrifugation Method for Subpicomolar Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Detection: Anal. Chem, 2016, 88 (9): 5009–5015
C. Chen, J. Chen, H. Lin, W. Liang, Utilization of nanoparticles in microfluidic systems for optical detection [J]: Microsyst. Technol, 2016, 22(10): 2363–2370
C. Chen, J. Chen, H. Lin, A novel technology: microfluidic devices for microbubble ultrasound contrast agent generation [J]: Med. Biol. Eng. Comput, 2016, 54(9): 1317–1330
C. Chen, Z. Cheng, Y. Shi, X. Yan, T. Liu, S. Li, W. Liu, L. Wang, Fast fabrication of microfluidic devices using a low-cost prototyping method [J]: Microsyst. Technol, 2016, 22(4): 677–686
C. Chen, Y. Yuan, W. Liu, X. Yan, Indium tin oxide coated PET film contactless conductivity detector for microchip capillary electrophoresis [J]: Anal. Methods, 2015, 7(12): 5295–5302
L. Yin, C. Chen*, Z. Cheng, W. Liu, X. Huang, Y. Zhang, Analysis of drugs illegally added into Chinese traditional patent medicine using surface-enhanced Raman scattering [J]: Anal. Sci, 2013, 29(10): 985–990
J. H. Hahn, W. Teng, C. Chen, Nanoband Electrode for High Performance In-channel Amperometric Detection in Dual-Channel Microchip Capillary Electrophoresis [J]: Electrophoresis, 2011, 32(8): 838-843
J. H. Hahn, C. Chen*, Enhanced aminophenols monitoring using in-channel amperometric detection with dual-channel microchip capillary electrophoresis [J]: Environ. Chem. Lett, 2011, 9: 491-497
R. Manasseh, P. W. Leech, Y. Zhu, C. Chen, Production of monodispersed micron-sized bubbles at high rates in a microfluidic device [J]: Appl. Phys, 2007, 79: 7182-7186
R. Manasseh, Y. Zhu, P. W. Leech, C. Chen, Microfluidic production of ultrasound contrast agents with a capillary gas jet PDMS microchip [J]: P. SPIE,iomedical Applications of Micro- and Nanoe, 2008, 7270: 72700J1-72700J8
S. Ovenden, P. Leech, P. Hoobin, R. Stewart, A. Swallow, C. Chen*, Y. Zhu, 35. K. Petkovic-Duran, Hand-held analyser based on microchip electrophoresis with contactless conductivity detection for measurement of chemical warfare agent degradation products [J]: P. SPIE, Biomedical Applications of Micro- and Nan, 2008, 7270: 72700Q1-72700Q8
J. H. Hahn, C. Chen, M. Li, Novel Sample Introduction and Detection Techniques in Microchip Capillary Electrophoresis: The First Shenyang International Colloquium on Mic, 2007: 21-24
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