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发布时间:2016/03/25   阅读量:


药剂学系,讲师,在线体育博彩 “升华猎英”人才

Email:[email protected]


2004/09 -2008/06,在线体育博彩 ,制药工程,学士

2008/09 - 2009/06,在线体育博彩 ,分析化学,硕士研究生

2009/08 - 2014/04,MonashUniversity,化学工程,博士、博士后

2014/11 -至今,在线体育博彩 药学院,博士后国际交流引进项目

2015/06 -至今,在线体育博彩 药学院,讲师




1.LiuWJ, ChenXD, Cheng ZN, Selomulya C,On enhancing the solubility of curcumin bymicroencapsulation in whey protein isolate via spray dryings. Journal of FoodEngineering, 2015, doi:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2015.08.034.

2.LiuWJ, ChenXD,Selomulya C,On the spray drying of uniform functional microparticles. Particuology,2015, 22, 1-12.

3.LiuWJ,Selomulya C, Chen XD, Design of polymeric microparticles for pH-responsive andtime-sustained drug release. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 81, 177-186.

4.LiuWJ,Selomulya C, Wu WD, Gengenbach T, Chen XD, On the formation of uniformalginate-silica microcomposites with ordered hierarchical structures. Journalof Food Engineering, 2013, 119, 299-307.

5.LiuWJ, WuWD, Selomulya C, Chen XD,On designing particulate carriers for encapsulationand controlled release applications. Powder Technology, 2013, 236, 188-196.

6.LiuWJ, WuWD, Selomulya C, Chen XD,Spray drying of monodispersed microencapsulates:implications of formulation and process parameters on microstructuralproperties and controlled release functionality. Journal of Microencapsulation,2012, 29, 677-684.

7.LiuWJ, WuWD, Selomulya C, Chen XD, A single step assembly of uniform microparticles forcontrolled release applications. Soft matter, 2011, 7, 3323-3330.

8.LiuWJ, WuWD, Selomulya C, Chen XD,Facile Spray-Drying Assembly of UniformMicroencapsulates with Tunable Core–Shell Structures and Controlled ReleaseProperties. Langmuir, 2011, 27, 12910-12915.

9.LinRH,Liu WJ, Woo MW, Chen XD, Selomulya C, On the formation of"coral-like" spherical alpha-glycine crystalline particles. PowderTechnology, 2015, 279,310-316.

10.ChewJH,LiuWJ, Fu N, GengenbachT, ChenXD, SelomulyaC. Exploring the drying behaviourand particle formation of high solids milk protein concentrate. Journal of FoodEngineering, 2014, 143, 186-194.

11.WuWD,LiuWJ, Gengenbach T, Woo MW, Selomulya C, Chen XD, Weeks M. Towards spraydrying of high solids dairy liquid: Effects of feed solid content on particlestructure and functionality. Journal of Food Engineering, 2014, 123, 130-135.

12.WuWD,LiuWJ, Selomulya C, Chen XD,On Spray Drying of Uniform Silica-BasedMicroencapsulates for Controlled Release. Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 11416-11424.

13.WuZX, WuWD,Liu WJ, Selomulya C,Chen XD, Zhao DY, Ageneral “surface-locking” approach toward fast assembly and processing oflarge-sized, ordered, mesoporous carbon microspheres. AngewandteChemieInternational Edition, 2013, 52, 13764-13768.

