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  • 体育博彩公司排名-在线体育博彩
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发布时间:2024/06/07   阅读量:


体育博彩公司排名-在线体育博彩 特聘教授,药理系主任,临床药学研究与转化中心副主任,博士生导师,连续三年入选“全球顶尖前10万名科学家”榜单,全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单,湖南省杰出青年基金获得者,中国科学院青年创新促进会会员、优秀会员,心血管研究湖南省重点实验室成员, 中国药理学会临床药学专业委员会青年委员会副主任委员,中国药理学会心血管药理专业委员会青年委员会常务委员。近年来在癌症诊断和治疗、心血管修复等领域取得了多项创新成果,发表SCI论文88,以一作或通讯作者身份发表的论文中影响因子大于1042篇,大于1528篇,其中包括在Adv. Mater.IF=32.0866篇)Nano Today (IF=20.722) Nat. Commun.(IF=16.6)J. Am. Chem. Soc.IF=16.3833篇)Angew. Chem. Int. EdIF=16.8232篇)Adv. Funct. Mater.IF=19.924, 2篇Adv. Sci.IF=17.5215Bioactive MaterialsIF=18.9,4篇)Chemical. Engineering JournalIF=16.7442SmallIF=15.153)、 Biosensor and BioelectronicsIF=12.542)、 Redox BiologyIF=11.799TheranosticsIF=11.6 等国际权威学术期刊上多篇,论文他引>14000次,H-因子为45。相关研究成果多次被 Nature NanotechnologyNature Chemistry等作为研究亮点报道。担任20余个国际主要学术期刊审稿人,4个SCI期刊的编委或青年编委成员。申请发明专利10余项,其中7项已获授权。获省部级一等奖2项,二等奖1项。

邮箱:[email protected],欢迎本科生、硕士生、博士生与博士后加入研究团队。


1.  氧化应激在心脑血管损伤的机制研究;

2.  纳米药物在癌症诊疗、心脑血管修复的研究。


1.   武汉大学  本科

2.   国科大    硕士

3.   吉林大学  博士


1.  2002.07-201910月 中国科学院长春应用化学研究所,历任研究实习员,助理研究员,副研究员

2.  2019.11至今 体育博彩公司排名-在线体育博彩 ,特聘教授

3. 2024.4至今 体育博彩公司排名-在线体育博彩 ,药理系主任


1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目、在线体育博彩 特聘人才科研启动项目等12项研究课题;

2.  作为核心骨干成员参与科技部国家重点研发计划2项、国家自然科学基金重点项目1项等多个科研课题研究。


1.  吉林省自然科学一等奖(2018,排名第3);

2.  吉林省自然科学二等奖(2020,排名第3);

3.  吉林省自然科学一等奖(2012,排名第8);

4.  中国科学院青年创新促进会会员(2014)和优秀会员(2019)。


1.    中国药理学会心血管药理专业委员会青年委员会常务委员;

2.  《分析化学》青年编委;

3.  SmartMat》青年编委IF 20.4

4.  Military Medical Research》青年编委IF 21.1

5.  Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry》编委;

6.    中国药理学会临床药学专业委员会青年委员会副主任委员


1.  赵天娇,2021博士,获周宏灏药学优秀学生奖,已在课题组发表3篇SCI论文IF分别为20.72217.52116.874

2. 王淑雅,2022级博士,湖南省研究生医学创新大赛三等奖,获威尔曼奖学金已在课题组发表SCI论文2IF10.26916.6

3.陈俏慧,2023级博士,湖南省研究生医学创新大赛三等奖,获威尔曼奖学金,已在课题组发表4篇SCI论文IF分别为 1916.874, 16.7445.988



6. 时肖静,2022级硕士

7. 黄运莹,2023级硕士

8. 应晓红,2023级硕士

9. 熊廷黎,2023级硕士


1. 陈俏慧,2020级硕士,湖南省研究生医学创新大赛三等奖,获威尔曼奖学金,已在课题组发表3篇SCI论文IF分别为16.874, 16.7445.988), 在线体育博彩 攻读博士,

2. 黄佳,2020级硕士,湖南省自然科学一等优秀学术论文,  获威尔曼奖学金,已在课题组发表4篇SCI论文IF分别为17.52117.5218.3015.988),南方科技大学攻读博士

3. 陈立,2020级硕士,获威尔曼奖学金,已在课题组发表SCI论文2 IF11.7996.025 ,澳门大学攻读博士


4. 肖祚庥,2021级硕士,获威尔曼奖学金, 在线体育博彩 优秀学生, 湖南省研究生医学创新大赛三等,已在课题组发表2IF分别为16.74411.6),澳门大学攻读博士

5. 杨禹琪,2021级硕士(联培),获国家奖学金2,已在课题组发表SCI论文5IF分别为17.52116.87410.76115.153, 7) ,香港理工大学攻读博士

6. 向羽婷,2021级硕士,获威尔曼奖学金, 在线体育博彩 优秀学生,在线体育博彩 优秀毕业生,已在课题组发表SCI论文3IF分别为195.9885.988), 入职武汉大学口腔医院

7. 龙星余,2021级硕士,获威尔曼奖学金, 在线体育博彩 优秀学生,在线体育博彩 优秀毕业生,已在课题组发表SCI论文2IF分别为32.0865.988),入职华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院


88.  Yamei Liu, Shuya Wang, Jiaxiong Zhang, Quan Sun , Yi Xiao , Jing Chen , Meilian Yao, Guogang Zhang, Qun Huang, Tianjiao Zhao, Qiong Huang, Xiaojing Shi , Can Feng, Jian Sun,Kelong Ai*, Yongping Bai,* Reprogramming the Myocardial Infarction Microenvironment with Melanin Composite Nanomedicine, Nat. Commun, 2024;  Accept, IF=16.6

87. Xingyu Long†, Min Liu†, Yayun Nan†, Qiaohui Chen, Zuoxiu Xiao, Yuting Xiang, Xiaohong Ying, Jian Sun, Qiong Huang*, Kelong Ai*, Revitalizing Ancient Mitochondria with Nano-strategies: Mitochondria-remedying Nanodrugs Concentrate on Disease Control, Adv. Mater., 2024;  2308239, IF=32.086

86.  Chuang Yuan#, Qicai Xiao#, Qiaohui Chen, Qiong Huang, Kelong Ai*, Xinyu Yang*, Anticoagulant Therapy without Bleeding: A Novel Molybdenum-based Nanodots Alleviate Lethal Coagulation in Bacterial Sepsis by Inhibiting ROS-facilitated Caspase-11 Activation, SmartMat, 2024; e1264.,  IF=20.4


85. Mingyuan Wang#, Qiong Huang#, Min Liu, Tianjiao Zhao, Xiangping Song, Qiaohui Chen, Yongqi Yang, Yayun Nan, Zerun Liu, Yuntao Zhang, Wei Wu*, Kelong Ai*, Precisely Inhibiting Excessive Intestinal Epithelial Cell Apoptosis to Efficiently Treat Inflammatory Bowel Disease with Oral Pifithrin-α Embedded Nanomedicine (OPEN), Adv. Mater., 2023; 2309370, IF=32.086

84. Xiangping Song#, Qiong Huang#, Yuqi Yang, Liang Ma, Wenguang Liu, Chunlin Ou, Qiaohui Chen, Tianjiao Zhao, Zuoxiu Xiao, Mingyuan Wang, Yitian Jiang, Yunrong Yang, Jinping Zhang, Yayun Nan, Wei Wu*, Kelong Ai*, Efficient Therapy of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) with Highly Specific and Durable Targeted Ta2C Modified with Chondroitin Sulfate (TACS), 2301585, IF=32.086

83. Yuting Xiang, Qiaohui Chen, Yayun Nan, Min Liu, Zuoxiu Xiao, Yuqi Yang, Jinping Zhang, Xiaohong Ying, Xingyu Long, Shuya Wang, Jian Sun, Qiong Huang*, Kelong Ai*, Nitric Oxide-Based Nanomedicines for Conquering TME Fortress: Say “NO” to Insufficient Tumor Treatment, Adv. Functional Mater., 2023; 2312092,  IF=19

82. Qiong Huang, Yuqi Yang, Tianjiao Zhao, Qiaohui Chen, Min Liu, Shuting Ji, Yan Zhu, Yunrong Yang, Jinping Zhang, Haixin Zhao, Yayun Nan, Kelong Ai*, Passively-targeted Mitochondrial Tungsten-based Nanodots for Efficient Acute Kidney Injury Treatment. Bioactive Materials. 2023,21,381-393. IF=18.9,高被引

81. Qiaohui Chen#, Yayun Nan#, Yuqi Yang, Zuoxiu Xiao, Min Liu, Jia Huang, Yuting Xiang, Xingyu Long, Tianjiao Zhao, Xiaoyuan Wang, Qiong Huang*, Kelong Ai*. Nanodrugs Alleviate Acute Kidney Injury: Manipulate RONS at Kidney. Bioactive Materials. 2023, 22, 141-167.  IF=18.9,高被引,热点论文

80. Jia Huang#, Guiming Deng#, Shuya Wang, Tianjiao Zhao, Qiaohui Chen, Yuqi Yang, Yongqi Yang, Jinping Zhang, Yayun, Nan, Zhaoqian Liu, Ke Cao, Qiong Huang*, Kelong Ai*, A NIR-II Photoactivatable “ROS Bomb” with High-density Cu2O-supported MoS2 Nanoflowers for Anticancer Therapy, Adv. Sci., 2023; //doi.org/10.1002/advs.202302208, IF=17.521

79. Qiong Huang, Zerun Liu, Yunrong Yang, Yuqi Yang, Ting Huang, Ying Hong, Jinping Zhang, Qiaohui Chen, Tianjiao Zhao, Zuoxiu Xiao, Xuejun Gong, Yitian Jiang, Jiang Peng, Yayun Nan, Kelong Ai*, Selenium nanodots (SENDs) as antioxidants and antioxidant-prodrugs to rescue islet β cells in type 2 diabetes mellitus by restoring mitophagy and alleviating endoplasmic reticulum stress, Adv. Sci., 2023; //doi.org/10.1002/advs.202300880, IF=17.521

78. Quan Sun, Hongqin Ma, Jiaxiong Zhang, Baiyang You, Xiaohui Gong, Xiaolin Zhou, Jin Chen, Guogang Zhang, Jia Huang, Qiong Huang, Yurong Yang, Kelong Ai*, Yongping Bai*, A Self-Sustaining Antioxidant Strategy for Effective Treatment of Myocardial Infarction. Adv. Sci., 2023; 2204999, IF=17.521

77. Yunrong Yang#, Jia Huang#, Min Liu, Qiaohui Chen, Tianjiao Zhao, Zuoxiu Xiao, Yuqi Yang, Qiong Huang*, Kelong Ai*, Emerging Sonodynamic Therapy-based Nanomedicines for Cancer Immunotherapy, Adv. Sci., 2023; 2204365, IF=17.521

76. Qiong Huang, Yuqi Yang, Yan Zhu, Qiaohui Chen, Tianjiao Zhao, Zuoxiu Xiao, Mingyuan Wang, Xiangping Song, Yitian Jiang, Yunrong Yang, Jinping Zhang, Yang Xiao, Yayun Nan, Wei Wu*, Kelong Ai*, Oral Metal-free Melanin Nanozymes for Natural and Durable Targeted Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Small, 2023, e2207350, IF=15.153

75. Hong Liu, Shuya Wang, Qiaohui Chen, Xiaoyue Ge, Huang Ning, Yanzi Guo, Di Wang, Kelong Ai*, Changping Hu*, Natural Targeting Potent ROS-eliminating Tungsten-based Polyoxometalate Nanodots for Efficient Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension, Adv. Healthcare Mater., 2023;  //doi.org/10.1002/adhm.202300252, IF=11.092

74.  Shuya Wang, Qiaohui Chen. Tianjiao Zhao, Kelong Ai*, Changping Hu*, Nanomedicine-based treatment: an emerging therapeutical strategy for pulmonary hypertension, Nano Research, 2023; 1-23, IF=10.269

73. Haixin Zhao, Jia Huang, Lulu Huang, Yuqi Yang, Zuoxiu Xiao, Qiaohui Chen, Qiong Huang*, Kelong Ai*. Surface control approach for growth of cerium oxide on flower-like molybdenum disulfide nanosheets enables superior removal of uremic toxins. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2023, 630, 855-865. IF=9.965

72.Yuqi Yang#, Yayun Nan#, Zuoxiu Xiao, Yuntao Zhang, Huanan Zhang,  Qiong Huang*, Kelong Ai*, Antioxidative 0-dimensional Nanodrugs Overcomes Obstacles in AKI Antioxidant Therapy, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2023, 11, 8081-8095. IF=7

71. Qiaohui Chen#, Xiaoyuan Wang#, Chao Yuan#, Yayun Nan*, Qiong Huang*, Kelong Ai*. 2D-nanomaterials for AKI treatment, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2023, 11, 1159989. IF=6.064


70. Yan Zhu#, Tianjiao Zhao#, Min Liu, Shuya Wang, Saili Liu, Yunrong Yang, Yuqi Yang, Yayun Nan, Qiong Huang*, Kelong Ai*.  Rheumatoid Arthritis Microenvironment Insights into Treatment Effect of Nanomaterials. Nano Today. 2022; 42, 101358. IF=20.722  高被引

69. Zhao Tianjiao#, Wu Wei#, Sui Lihua, Huang Qiong*, Nan Yayun, Liu Jianhua, Ai Kelong*. Reactive oxygen species-based nanomaterials for the treatment of myocardial ischemia reperfusion injuries. Bioactive Materials. 2022; 7, 47-72. IF=18.9  高被引,热点论文

68. Yuqi Yang#, Tianjiao Zhao#, Qiaohui Chen, Yumei Li, Zuoxiu Xiao, Yuting Xiang, Boyu Wang, Yige Qiu, Shiqi Tu, Yitian Jiang, Yayun Nan, Qiong Huang*, Kelong Ai*, Nanomedicine Strategies for Heating “Cold” Ovarian Cancer (OC): Next Evolution in Immunotherapy of OC, Adv. Sci., 2022; 2202797, IF=17.521

67. Haixin Zhao, Jia Huang, Lu Miao, Yuqi Yang, Zuoxiu Xiao, Qiaohui Chen, Qiong Huang*, Kelong Ai*, Toward Urease-Free Wearable Artificial Kidney: Widened Interlayer Spacing MoS2 Nanosheets with Highly Effective Adsorption for Uremic Toxins. Chemical. Engineering Journal, 2022, 438, 135583. IF=16.744

66. Zuoxiu Xiao#, Qiaohui Chen#, Yuqi Yang, Shiqi Tu, Boyu Wang, Yige Qiu, Yitian Jiang, Qiong Huang*, Kelong Ai*,  Chemical. Engineering Journal, 2022; 137889, IF=16.744

65. Min Liu, Yuting Xiang, Yuqi Yang, Xingyu Long, Zuoxiu Xiao, Yayun Nan,Yige Qiu, Yitian Jiang, Qiong Huang*, Kelong Ai*, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2022;114758, IF=12.6

64. Zuoxiu Xiao, Qiong Huang, Yuqi Yang, Min Liu, Qiaohui Chen, Jia Huang, Yuting Xiang, Xingyu Long, Tianjiao Zhao, Xiaoyuan Wang, Xiaoyu Zhu, Shiqi Tu, Yayun Nan, Kelong Ai*, Emerging early diagnostic methods for acute kidney injury. Theranostics, 2022, 12(6): 2963-2986. IF=12.4

63. Min Liu, Qiong Huang, Yan Zhu, Li Chen, Yumei Li, Zhicheng Gong*, Kelong Ai*, Harnessing reactive oxygen/nitrogen species and inflammation: Nanodrugs for liver injury. Materials Today Bio. 2022, 13, 100218. IF=10.761 高被引

62. Yuqi Yang, Qiong Huang, Zuoxiu Xiao, Min Liu, Yan Zhu, Qiaohui Chen, Yumei Li, Kelong Ai*, Nanomaterial-based biosensor developing as a route toward in vitro diagnosis of early ovarian cancer. Materials Today Bio. 2022, 13, 100218. IF=10.761

61. Yuan, Chuang#; Ai, Kelong#; Xiang, Menghua; Xie, Chengliang; Zhao, Mingyi; Wu, Ming; Li, Hongli; Wu, Yueren; Cao, Yueqing; Li, Can; Zhong, Yanjun; Pei, Xiaomeng; Law, Helen Ka Wai; Gao, Liqian; Xiao, Qicai*; Yang, Xinyu*, Novel 1-hydroxy phenothiazinium-based derivative protects against bacterial sepsis by inhibiting AAK1-mediated LPS internalization and caspase-11 signaling. Cell Death & Disease, 2022, 13(8), 722. IF=9.685

60. Jia Huang, Qiong Huang, Min Liu, Qiaohui Chen, Kelong Ai*, Emerging Bismuth Chalcogenides Based Nanodrugs for Cancer Radiotherapy. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2022, 13, 844037. IF=5.81 高被引


59. Wang Jianling#, Sui Lihua#, Huang Jia, Miao Lu, Nie Yubing, Wang Kuansong, Yang Zhichun*, Huang Qiong, Gong Xue, Nan Yayun, Ai Kelong*. MoS2-based nanocomposites for cancer diagnosis and therapy. Bioactive Materials. 2021; 6(11): 4209-4242. IF=18.9 高被引,热点论文,Bioactive Materials-Best Paper Award 2021

58. Chen Li#, Huang Qiong#, Zhao Tianjiao, Sui Lihua, Wang Shuya, Xiao Zuoxiu, Nan Yayun, Ai Kelong*. Nanotherapies for sepsis by regulating inflammatory signals and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species: New insight for treating COVID-19. Redox Biology. 2021; 45: 102046-102046. IF=11.799

57. Li Zelun#, Wang Juan#, Chen Qian, Ai Kelong*, Lu Lehui*. Hierarchically porous polymer with ultra-high affinity for bisphenol A enables high efficient water purification. Science China Chemistry. 2021. IF=10.138

56. Kelong Ai, Jia Huang, Zuoxiu Xiao, Yuqi Yang, Yuwang Bai, Jun Peng*. Localized surface plasmon resonance properties and biomedical applications of copper selenide nanomaterials. Materials Today Chemistry. 2021; 8:100402. IF=8.301


55. Yu Bin, Ai Kelong*, Lu Lehui*. Dual-protective nano-sunscreen enables high-efficient elimination of the self-derived hazards. Applied Materials Today. 2020; 18. IF=10.041

54. Sui Lihua#, Wang Jianling#, Xiao Zuoxiu, Yang Yuqi, Yang Zhichun*, Ai Kelong*. ROS-Scavenging Nanomaterials to Treat Periodontitis. Frontiers in Chemistry. 2020; 8. IF=5.221

53. Li Niansheng, Chen Li, Xiao Zuoxiu, Yang Yuqi, Ai Kelong*. Progress in Detection of Biomarker of Ovarian Cancer: Lysophosphatidic Acid. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2020; 48(12): 1597-1606. IF=1.134

52. Huang Qiong, Wu Wei*, Ai Kelong*, Liu Jianhua. Highly Sensitive Polydiacetylene Ensembles for Biosensing and Bioimaging. Frontiers in Chemistry. 2020; 8. IF=5.221


51. Zhang Lei, Shen Xiangtan, Ai Kelong, Cui Xiaoqiang*, Wang Haoxiang, Zheng Weitao. sp(2) C-Dominant O-Doped Hierarchical Porous Carbon for Supercapacitor Electrodes. ACS Applied Energy Materials. 2019; 2(10): 7009-7018. IF=6.024

50. Wang Juan, Li Zelun, Wang Ying, Wei Changting, Ai Kelong*, Lu Lehui*. Hydrogen bond-mediated strong adsorbent-I3- interactions enable high-efficiency radioiodine capture. Materials Horizons. 2019; 6(7): 1517-1525. IF=15.717

49. Wang Juan, Ai Kelong*, Lu Lehui*. Flame-retardant porous hexagonal boron nitride for safe and effective radioactive iodine capture. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2019; 7(28): 16850-16858. IF=14.511

48. Li Zelun, Chang Xuling, Wang Ying, Wei Changting, Wang Juan, Ai Kelong*, Zhang Ye*, Lu Lehui*. Point-and-Shoot Strategy for Identification of Alcoholic Beverages. Analytical Chemistry. 2018; 90(16): 9838-9844. IF=8.008

47. Ai Kelong, Li Zelun, Li Weiwei, Fan Jinchang, Cui Xiaoqiang*, Zheng Weitao. Robust Synthesis of High-Performance N-Graphite Hollow Nanocatalysts Based on the Ostwald Ripening Mechanism for Oxygen Reduction Reaction Electrocatalysis. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization. 2018; 35(10). IF=3.310

46. Wei Changting, Shen Mengxia, Ai Kelong, Lu Lehui. Transformation from FeS/Fe3C nanoparticles encased S, N dual doped carbon nanotubes to nanosheets for enhanced oxygen reduction performance. Carbon. 2017; 123: 135-144. IF=11.307

45. Wang Ying, Pei Hanwen, Jia Yan, Liu Jianhua, Li Zelun, Ai Kelong*, Lu Zhongyuan, Lu Lehui*. Synergistic Tailoring of Electrostatic and Hydrophobic Interactions for Rapid and Specific Recognition of Lysophosphatidic Acid, an Early-Stage Ovarian Cancer Biomarker. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2017; 139(33): 11616-11621. IF=16.383

44. Shen Mengxia, Wei Changting, Ai Kelong, Lu Lehui. Transition metal-nitrogen-carbon nanostructured catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction: From mechanistic insights to structural optimization. Nano Research. 2017; 10(5): 1449-1470. IF=10.269

43. Liu Yanlan#, Ai Kelong#, Ji Xiaoyuan, Askhatova Diana, Du Rose, Lu Lehui*, Shi Jinjun*. Comprehensive Insights into the Multi-Antioxidative Mechanisms of Melanin Nanoparticles and Their Application To Protect Brain from Injury in Ischemic Stroke. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2017; 139(2): 856-862. IF=16.383

42. Li Zelun#, Ai Kelong#, Yang Zhe, Zhang Tianqi, Liu Jianhua, Cui Xiaoqiang*. Untrasmall Bi2S3 nanodots for in vivo X-ray CT imaging-guided photothermal therapy of cancer. RSC Advances. 2017; 7(47): 29672-29678. IF=4.036

41. Li Yuanyuan, Jiang Chunhuan, Zhang Dawei, Wang Ying, Ren Xiaoyan, Ai Kelong, Chen Xuesi*, Lu Lehui*. Targeted polydopamine nanoparticles enable photoacoustic imaging guided chemo-photothermal synergistic therapy of tumor. Acta Biomaterialia. 2017; 47: 124-134. IF=10.633

40. He Wenya, Ai Kelong, Ren Xiaoyan, Wang Shengyan, Lu Lehui*. Inorganic layered ion-exchangers for decontamination of toxic metal ions in aquatic systems. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2017; 5(37): 19593-19606. IF=14.511

39. He Wenya, Ai Kelong, Jiang Chunhuan, Li Yuanyuan, Song Xiangfu, Lu Lehui*. Plasmonic titanium nitride nanoparticles for in vivo photoacoustic tomography imaging and photothermal cancer therapy. Biomaterials. 2017; 132: 37-47. IF=15.304

38. Ai Kelong, Li Zelun, Cui Xiaoqiang*. Scalable preparation of sized-controlled Co-N-C electrocatalyst for efficient oxygen reduction reaction. Journal of Power Sources. 2017; 368: 46-56. IF=9.794

37. Wang Ying, Jiang Chunhuan, He Wenhui, Ai Kelong, Ren Xiaoyan, Liu Lin, Zhang Mengchao, Lu Lehui*. Targeted Imaging of Damaged Bone in Vivo with Gemstone Spectral Computed Tomography. ACS Nano. 2016; 10(4): 4164-4172. IF=18.027

36. Ruan Changping, Ai Kelong, Lu Lehui. An Acid-resistant Magnetic Co/C Nanocomposite for Adsorption and Separation of Organic Contaminants from Water. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2016; 44(2): 224-230. IF=1.134

35. Ruan Changping, Shen Mengxia, Ren Xiaoyan, Ai Kelong*, Lu Lehui*. A Versatile and Scalable Approach toward Robust Superhydrophobic Porous Materials with Excellent Absorbency and Flame Retardancy. Scientific Reports. 2016; 6. IF=4.379

34. Chen Yan, Ai Kelong, Liu Jianhua, Ren Xiaoyan, Jiang Chunhuan, Lu Lehui*. Polydopamine-based coordination nanocomplex for T-1/T-2 dual mode magnetic resonance imaging-guided chemo-photothermal synergistic therapy. Biomaterials. 2016; 77: 198-206. IF=15.304

33. Ai Kelong, Ruan Changping, Shen Mengxia, Lu Lehui*. MoS2 Nanosheets with Widened Interlayer Spacing for High-Efficiency Removal of Mercury in Aquatic Systems. Advanced Functional Materials. 2016; 26(30): 5542-5549. IF=19.924

32. Shen Mengxia, Zheng Li-Rong, He Wenhui, Ruan Changping, Jiang Chunhuan, Ai Kelong*, Lu Lehui*. High-performance oxygen reduction electrocatalysts derived from uniform cobalt-adenine assemblies. Nano Energy. 2015; 17: 120-130. IF=19.096

31. Shen Mengxia, Ruan Changping, Chen Yan, Jiang Chunhuan, Ai Kelong*, Lu Lehui*. Covalent Entrapment of Cobalt-Iron Sulfides in N-Doped Mesoporous Carbon: Extraordinary Bifunctional Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction and Evolution Reactions. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2015; 7(2): 1207-1218. IF=10.383

30. He Wenya, Ai Kelong*, Lu Lehui. Nanoparticulate X-ray CT contrast agents. Science China-Chemistry. 2015; 58(5): 753-760. IF=10.138

29. Chen Yan, Ai Kelong, Liu Jianhua, Sun Guoying, Yin Qi, Lu Lehui*. Multifunctional envelope-type mesoporous silica nanoparticles for pH-responsive drug delivery and magnetic resonance imaging. Biomaterials 2015; 60: 111-120. IF=15.304

28. Yin Pingping, Ai Kelong, Li Meili, Sun Guoying*. Highly Fluorescent Carbon Nanoparticles for Sensitive Detection of Iron (III). Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2014; 42(10): 1427-1433. IF=1.134

27. Ruan Changping, Ai Kelong, Lu Lehui*. Biomass-derived carbon materials for high-performance supercapacitor electrodes. RSC Advances. 2014; 4(58): 30887-30895. IF=4.036

26. Ruan Changping#, Ai Kelong#, Li Xingbo, Lu Lehui*. A Superhydrophobic Sponge with Excellent Absorbency and Flame Retardancy. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition. 2014; 53(22): 5556-5560. IF=16.823

25. Liu Yanlan, Liu Jianhua, Ai Kelong, Yuan Qinghai, Lu Lehui*. Recent advances in ytterbium-based contrast agents for in vivo X-ray computed tomography imaging: promises and prospects. Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging. 2014; 9(1): 26-36. IF=3.161

24. Liu Yanlan, Ai Kelong, Lu Lehui*. Polydopamine and Its Derivative Materials: Synthesis and Promising Applications in Energy, Environmental, and Biomedical Fields. Chemical Reviews. 2014; 114(9): 5057-5115. IF=72.087

23. Chen Yan, Ai Kelong, Liu Yanlan, Lu Lehui*. Tailor-Made Charge-Conversional Nanocomposite for pH-Responsive Drug Delivery and Cell Imaging. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2014; 6(1): 655-663. IF=10.383

22. Liu Yanlan#, Ai Kelong#, Liu Jianhua, Deng Mo, He Yangyang, Lu Lehui*. Dopamine-Melanin Colloidal Nanospheres: An Efficient Near-Infrared Photothermal Therapeutic Agent for In Vivo Cancer Therapy. Advanced Materials. 2013; 25(9): 1353-1359. IF=32.086

21. Li Meili, Sun Guoying*, Yin Pingping, Ruan Changping, Ai Kelong*. Controlling the Formation of Rodlike V2O5 Nanocrystals on Reduced Graphene Oxide for High-Performance Supercapacitors. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2013; 5(21): 11462-11470. IF=10.383

20. Ai Kelong#, Liu Yanlan#, Ruan Changping, Lu Lehui*, Lu Gaoqing*. Sp2 C-Dominant N-Doped Carbon Sub-micrometer Spheres with a Tunable Size: A Versatile Platform for Highly Efficient Oxygen-Reduction Catalysts. Advanced Materials. 2013; 25(7): 998-1003. IF=32.086

19. Liu Yanlan, Ai Kelong, Lu Lehui*. Nanoparticulate X-ray Computed Tomography Contrast Agents: From Design Validation to in Vivo Applications. Accounts of Chemical Research. 2012; 45(10): 1817-1827. IF=24.466

18. Liu Yanlan, Ai Kelong, Liu Jianhua, Yuan Qinghai, He Yangyang, Lu Lehui*. A High-Performance Ytterbium-Based Nanoparticulate Contrast Agent for In Vivo X-Ray Computed Tomography Imaging. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition. 2012; 51(6): 1437-1442. IF=16.823

17. Liu Yanlan, Ai Kelong, Liu Jianhua, Yuan Qinghai, He Yangyang, Lu Lehui*. Hybrid BaYbF5 Nanoparticles: Novel Binary Contrast Agent for High-Resolution in Vivo X-ray Computed Tomography Angiography. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 2012; 1(4): 461-466. IF=11.092

16.  Liu Xiaojuan, Zong Chenghua, Ai Kelong, He Wenhui, Lu Lehui*. Engineering Natural Materials as Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Substrates for In situ Molecular Sensing. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2012; 4(12): 6599-6608. IF=10.383

15. Zong Chenghua, Ai Kelong, Zhang Guo, Li Hongwei, Lu Lehui*. Dual-Emission Fluorescent Silica Nanoparticle-Based Probe for Ultrasensitive Detection of Cu2+. Analytical Chemistry. 2011; 83(8): 3126-3132. IF=8.008

14. Sun Hongmei, Yuan Qinghai, Zhang Baohua, Ai Kelong, Zhang Pengguo, Lu Lehui*. Gd-III functionalized gold nanorods for multimodal imaging applications. Nanoscale. 2011; 3(5): 1990-1996. IF=8.307

13. Liu Yanlan, Ai Kelong, Yuan Qinghai, Lu Lehui*. Fluorescence-enhanced gadolinium-doped zinc oxide quantum dots for magnetic resonance and fluorescence imaging. Biomaterials. 2011; 32(4): 1185-1192. IF=15.304

12. Liu Yanlan, Ai Kelong, Lu Lehui*. Designing lanthanide-doped nanocrystals with both up- and down-conversion luminescence for anti-counterfeiting. Nanoscale. 2011; 3(11): 4804-4810. IF=8.307

11. Liu Xiaojuan, Cao Linyuan, Song Wei, Ai Kelong, Lu Lehui*. Functionalizing Metal Nanostructured Film with Graphene Oxide for Ultrasensitive Detection of Aromatic Molecules by Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2011; 3(8): 2944-2952. IF=10.383

10. Li Hong-Wei, Ai Kelong, Wu Yuqing*. Fluorescence visual gel-separation of dansylated BSA-protected gold-nanoclusters. Chemical Communications. 2011; 47(35): 9852-9854. IF=6.222

9. Ai Kelong, Liu Yanlan, Lu Lehui*, Cheng Xiaoli, Huo Lihua. A novel strategy for making soluble reduced graphene oxide sheets cheaply by adopting an endogenous reducing agent. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 2011; 21(10): 3365-3370. IF=12.732

8. Ai Kelong, Liu Yanlan, Liu Jianhua, Yuan Qinghai, He Yangyang, Lu Lehui*. Large-Scale Synthesis of Bi2S3 Nanodots as a Contrast Agent for In Vivo X-ray Computed Tomography Imaging. Advanced Materials. 2011; 23(42): 4886-4891. IF=32.086

7. Liu Yanlan, Ai Kelong, Cheng Xiaoli, Huo Lihua, Lu Lehui*. Gold-Nanocluster-Based Fluorescent Sensors for Highly Sensitive and Selective Detection of Cyanide in Water. Advanced Functional Materials. 2010; 20(6): 951-956. IF=18.808

6. Zhao Xinmei, Zhang Baohua, Ai Kelong, Zhang Guo, Cao Linyuan, Liu Xiaojuan, Sun Hongmei, Wang Haishui, Lu Lehui*. Monitoring catalytic degradation of dye molecules on silver-coated ZnO nanowire arrays by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 2009; 19(31): 5547-5553. IF=12.732

5. Ai Kelong, Zhang Baohua, Lu Lehui*. Europium-Based Fluorescence Nanoparticle Sensor for Rapid and Ultrasensitive Detection of an Anthrax Biomarker. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition. 2009; 48(2): 304-308. IF=16.823

4. Ai Kelong, Liu Yanlan, Lu Lehui*. Hydrogen-Bonding Recognition-Induced Color Change of Gold Nanoparticles for Visual Detection of Melamine in Raw Milk and Infant Formula. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2009; 131(27): 9496. IF=16.383

3. Zhang Baohua, Wang Haishui, Lu Lehui*, Ai Kelong, Zhang Guo, Cheng Xiaoli. Large-area silver-coated silicon nanowire arrays for molecular sensing using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Advanced Functional Materials. 2008; 18(16): 2348-2355. IF=19.924

2. Lu Lehui, Ai Kelong, Ozaki Yukihiro*. Environmentally friendly synthesis of highly monodisperse biocompatible gold nanoparticles with urchin-like shape. Langmuir 2008; 24(3): 1058-1063. IF=3.882

1. Li Peicai, Zhang Lixue, Ai Kelong, Li Dan, Liu Xiaohua, Wang Erkang*. Coating didodecyldimethylammonium bromide onto Au nanoparticles increases the stability of its complex with DNA. Journal of Controlled Release 2008; 129(2): 128-134. IF=11.496


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