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1.Xiong XM Dai W, Li P, Wu s hj, Hu M, Liu LY. SubchronicToxicity organophosphate insecticide -induced damages on endothelial function of vessels in rabbits by inhibiting antioxidases. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics; 2010 ,37(11):1232-1239
2.熊小明, 夏箐,刘杏华,刘立英,戴雯。银杏叶提取物促进大鼠肾皮质薄片 中国医院药学杂志 2011,31(19)
3.熊小明,周寿红,胡敏,刘立英. 敌百虫加重高脂饮食致兔动脉粥样硬化作用与降低对氧磷酶活性有关 中国动脉硬化杂志2009,17(3):172-176.
4.熊小明,王双喜,刘立英. 银杏叶提取物治疗顺铂所致大鼠肾损伤 中国医院药学杂志2008,28(4):265-268.
5.熊小明,江俊麟,邓汉武. 临床医学七年制药理学试卷分析与思考医学教育探索2006,23(8):721-723.
6.熊小明,刘立英,王双喜,马凤霞,李年生. 银杏叶提取物对大鼠肾缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用 中国药房 2004, 15(5): 277-279.
7.熊小明,邓汉武,胡长平. 成教专升本班药理学教学改革 中华医学教育与实践 2004, 2(3): 88-89.
8. Wang Sh,Xiong XM,Song T,Li-Ying Liu.Protective effects of cariporide on endothelial dysfunction induced by high glucose.Acta Pharmacologica Sinica2005,26(3):329-333.
9. Ma FX,Liu LY,Xiong XM . Protective effects of lovastatin on vascular endothelium injured by low density lipoprotein.Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 2003 Oct; 24﹙10﹚:1027–1032.
10.Qiong Y,Peng J,Liu Sy,Wang chJ, Xiang DX,Xiong XM ,Hu ChP and LiYJ.Inhibitory effect of resveratrol derivative BTM-0512 on high glucose-induced cell senescence involves dimethylaminohydrolase/asymmetric dimethylarginine pathwayClinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology(2010)37,630-635
11. Dai W,Zhou FW, Song QJ, Li YJ, Deng HW,Xiong XM .Protective effects of calcitonin gene–related peptide on guinea–pig cardiac anaphylaxis.Naunyn–Schmiedeberg’s Arch Pharmacol(2000)361:161-165.
12.武海涛,熊小明,王双喜,吴晋湘,刘立英. 银杏叶提取物对高脂饮食所致血管内皮功能损伤的保护及与对氧磷酶活性的关系中国动脉硬化志 2004, 12(4): 410-414.
13.李年生, 熊小明,刘立英. 参麦注射液对DPPH自由基所致兔离体心脏功能损伤的保护作用湖南医科大学学报 2003,28﹙3﹚: 247-249 .
14.胡敏,刘立英,熊小明等. 敌百虫促高脂饮食致兔动脉粥样硬化作用研究 中国药理学通报2006,22(4):510-511