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发布时间:2013/12/05   阅读量:

  陈小平:女,生于1974年7月,研究员,博士研究生导师,在线体育博彩 ”升华学者”特聘教授,遗传药理学湖南省重点实验室副主任,在线体育博彩 临床药理研究分子遗传药理学研究室主任。教育部新世纪人才、湖南省杰出青年基金获得者,湖南省121人才工程第三层次人才,湖南省青年骨干教师培养对象, 中国药理学会理事,中国药理学会药物基因组学专业委员会常委,卫生部临床检验标准专业委员会委员,湖南省生理科学会理事,湖南省药学会理事,湖南省药学会药物基因组学专业委员会委员,国家科技奖励评审专家,国家自然科学基金项目评审专家,湖南省食品药品监督管理局药品审评专家;《Asian Natural Products Research》、《在线体育博彩 学报医学版》、《中南医学杂志》特约审稿专家。1997年于西安医科大学获预防医学学士学位;1997.9~1999.8在在线体育博彩 (原湖南医科大学)心血管生理研究室攻读硕士学位,主要研究方向为心血管疾病的分子生物学研究;1999转硕博连读,在著名遗传药理学家周宏灏院士的指导下从事药物氧化代谢酶个体和种族差异机理的研究;2002.7~2005.7在军事医学科学院放射医学研究所博士后流动站工作。2005.8~2011.12在在线体育博彩 药学院药理学系从事药理学教学和科研工作,先后任心血管研究湖南省重点实验室副主任、在线体育博彩 药学院药理学教研室副主任、药理学系副主任。2012.1至今在在线体育博彩 临床药理研究所工作,主要研究方向为心血管疾病的遗传学与遗传药理学研究。2005.9晋升副研究员,2009.9年破格晋升研究员并遴选博士研究生导师。主持课题15项,其中包括国家自然科学基金项目5项,国家新药创制重大专项、863子课题、中国博士后基金项目、湖南省杰出青年基金、湖南省重点实验室开放基金、教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”、湖南省科技计划项目和在线体育博彩 首届国家杰青培育专项各1项,作为学术骨干参与973项目、十一五国家科技重大专项(重大新药创制)、国家自然科学基金重点项目和CMB项目各1项。发表SCI论文50余篇,其中第一/通讯作者论文发表于J Am Coll CardiolClin Pharmacol TherEnviron Health PerspectHum GenetAtherosclerosisPharmacogenet GenomicsPLoS One等国际知名期刊,参与国际药物警戒与药物安全会议等国际国内会议10余次,作大会特邀报告及分会报告8次;主编教材1部,副主编教材1部,参编教材和专著9部。。获中华医学奖二等奖(排名第一)和湖南省医学科技奖 一等奖(排名第四)各1项;2008年获中国药理学会—法国Sevier青年药理学科技工作者奖。


   1. 主持国家新药创制重大专项(项目编号:No.2013ZX09509107):新药研发中的药物基因组学关键技术(2013.1~2015.12,385.0万元)。

   2. 主持国家自然科学基金:ADMA关键代谢酶基因多态性与辛伐他汀心血管保护作用个体差异及机制研究(项目编号:81373489),2014.1~2017.12,70.0万;

   3. 主持国家自然科学基金项目(项目编号:81170091):ADMA灭活代谢酶基因多态性与慢性心力衰竭遗传易感性的关系和对心衰预后的影响及机制研究”(2012.1~2015.12;52.0万元,项目进展顺利)

   4. 主持国家自然科学基金项目(项目编号:30971584:miR-146a遗传多态性与冠心病遗传易感性及机制研究(2010.1~2012.12;32.0万元;课题正在进行,进展顺利)

   5. 主持国家自然科学基金项目(项目编号:30671149:DDAH/ADMA/NOS系统基因多态性与原发性高血压易感性及其机制研究(2007.1~2009.12,28.0万元;已结题);

   6. 主持国家自然科学基金项目(项目编号:30300202):AFB1代谢相关基因遗传多态性与肝癌易感性研究(2004.1~2006.12;20.0万元,已结题);

   7. 主持863课题子课题(项目编号:NO.2012AA02A518):药物反应分子标志物的临床个体化治疗技术(2012.1~2015.12,40.0万元).

   8. 主持教育部新世纪人才支持计划(项目编号:NCET-07-0859):内脏脂肪素促动脉粥样硬化发生发展的分子机制与药物干预研究 (2007.9~2011.9;50.0万,已结题);

   9. 主持湖南省自然科学基金杰出青年基金(项目编号:13JJ1010):基于原代培养的人脐静脉内皮细胞心血管保护药物的药物基因组学研究(2013.1~2015.12,20万元,已启动)。

   10. 主持在线体育博彩 “升华学者计划”特聘教授基金:2007.1~2012.11;50.0万元,中期考核优秀;

   11. 主持在线体育博彩 首届国家杰青培育专项I类项目(中央高校基本科研业务费):心脑血管疾病的基础与临床研究”(项目编号2011JQ016;30.0万元,2011.6~2014.5,课题正在进行,进展顺利);

   12. 主持第三十三届中国博士后基金(项目编号:2003033193):AFB1代谢相关基因遗传多态性与肝癌易感性研究(2002.8~2004.7;1.0万元,已结题);

   13. 主持湖南省高校创新平台开放基金项目(项目编号:12K006):9p21遗传变异对辛伐他汀内皮保护作用影响的遗传药理学研究(2012.9~2015.9,12万元)。

   14. 主持湖南省科技计划一般项目:基于原代培养的人脐静脉内皮细胞抗衰老药物的作用机制研究(项目编号:2010FJ3085;2.0万元,2011.1~2012.12,课题正在进行,进展顺利);

   15. 主持湖南省教育厅项目湖南省青年骨干教师培养对象项目:2006.9~2009.4;0.5万元,已结题,结题考核优秀;

   16. 主持在线体育博彩 科学研究基金(科研启动费):2005.8~2008.8,5.0万元,已结题;

   17. 参与国家科技重大专项(重大新药创制)(项目编号:2009ZX09102-110:桑叶提取物及其制剂的研制(2009.1~2010.12,300万元;已结题);

   18. 参与“973重点项目(项目编号:2007CB512007):心力衰竭与恶性心律失常的防治基础研究(2007.1~2011.12;3000.0万元,已结题);

   19. 参与国家自然科学基金重点项目(项目编号:30130210):高血压病和高脂血症的药物基因组学研究(2002.1~2006.12;145.0万元;已结题);

   20. 参与国家自然科学基金项目(项目编号:30271517):p53与Ku70的关系及在肿瘤的基因调节放疗中的应用研究(2003.1~2005.12;18.0万元;已结题);

   21. 参与国家自然科学基金项目(项目编号:30200346):辛伐他汀降脂治疗的遗传药理研究(2003.1~2005.12;23.0万元;已结题)。


   1. Luo JQ, Wen JG, Zhou HH,Chen XP*, Zhang W*. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene G894T polymorphism and myocardial infarction: a meta-analysis of34 studies involving 21068 subjects. PLoS One. 2014 (In press)

   2. Zhou JP, Kuang DB,Chen XP*. Letter to the Editor: Asymmetric Dimethylarginine and DDAH1 Transcript Variants in Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases. Am J Hypertens. 2014 (In press)

   3. Luo JQ, Wang LY, He FZ, Sun NL, Tang GF, Wen JG, Luo ZY, Liu ZQ, Zhou HH,Chen XP*, Zhang W*. Effect of NR3C2 genetic polymorphisms on the blood pressure response to enalapril treatment. Pharmacogenomics. 2013 Sep 23. [Epub ahead of print]

   4. Sun T, Zhou JP, Kuang DB, Li MP, Xiong Y, Tang J, Xia J, Bai YP, Yang GP, Li YJ,Chen XP*. Correlations of DDAH1 Transcript Variants with Human Endothelial Asymmetric Dimethylarginine Metabolizing Activity. Am J Hypertens. 2013 Dec;26(12):1437-44.

   5. Chen L, Zhou JP, Kuang DB, Tang J, Li YJ,Chen XP*. 4-HNE increases intracellular ADMA levels in cultured HUVECs: evidence for miR-21-dependent mechanisms. PLoS One. 2013 May 22;8(5):e64148.

   6. He F, Luo J, Luo Z, Fan L, He Y, Zhu D, Gao J, Deng S, Wang Y, Qian Y, Zhou H,Chen X*,Zhang W*. The KCNH2 Genetic Polymorphism (1956, C>T) Is a Novel Biomarker That Is Associated with CCB and α,β-ADR Blocker Response in EH Patients in China. PLoS One. 2013 Apr 22;8(4):e61317.

   7. Peng LM,Chen XP*,Sun J, Guo YJ, Li L, Mo L, Xie W, Li YJ, Yang TL, Li CC. Influence of ALDH2 Glu504Lys polymorphism on nitroglycerin response in chronic heart failure and involvement of Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide (CGRP). Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2012 Oct;50(10):701-11.

   8. Wu LS, Li FF, Sun LD, Li D, Su J, Kuang YH, Chen G,Chen XP*, Chen X*. A miRNA-492 binding-site polymorphism in BSG (basigin) confers risk to psoriasis in Central South Chinese population. Hum Genet. 2011 Dec;130(6):749-57.(2010IF=5.047)

   9. Guo R, Chen L, Li L, Guo X, Sun J, Xiong XM, Cheng ZN, Li YJ,Chen XP*. Association of GSTM1 null polymorphism with isosorbide-5-mononitrate cardiovascular response and involvement of CGRP in healthy Chinese male volunteers. Pharmacogenet Genomics. 2011 Mar;21(3):142-51.(2010IF=3.865)

   10. Guo YJ, Chen L, Bai YP, Li L, Sun J, Zhang GG, Yang TL, Xia J, Li YJ,Chen XP*. The ALDH2 Glu504Lys polymorphism is associated with coronary artery disease in Han Chinese: Relation with endothelial ADMA levels. Atherosclerosis. 2010 Aug;211(2):545-50.(2010IF=4.086)

   11. Li L,Chen XP*,Li YJ. MicroRNA-146a and human disease. Scand J Immunol. 2010 Apr;71(4):227-31.(2010IF=1.935)

   12. Chen X, Wang H, Zhou G, Zhang X, Dong X, Zhi L, Jin L, He F. Molecular population genetics of human CYP3A locus: signatures of positive selection and implications for evolutionary environmental medicine. Environ Health Perspect. 2009 Oct;117(10):1541-8.(2008IF=6.123)

   13. Guo X,Chen XP (并列第一作者), Cheng ZN, Luo X, Guo R, Chen L, Chen J, Chen B, Peng J, Li YJ. No effect of MDR1 C3435T polymorphism on oral pharmacokinetics of telmisartan in 19 healthy Chinese male subjects. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2009;47(1):38-43.(2008IF=1.888)

   14. Deng S,Chen XP (并列第一作者),Cao D, Yin T, Dai ZY, Luo J, Tang L, Li YJ. Effects of a concomitant single oral dose of rifampicin on the pharmacokinetics of pravastatin in a two-phase, randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study in healthy Chinese male subjects. Clin Ther. 2009 Jun;31(6):1256-63.2008IF=3.064

   15. Guo R,Chen XP (并列第一作者), Guo X, Chen L, Li D, Peng J, Li YJ. Evidence for involvement of calcitonin gene-related peptide in nitroglycerin response and association with mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (ALDH2) Glu504Lys polymorphism. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2008 Sep 9;52(11):953-60.(2008IF=11.438)

   16. Chen X, Wang H, Xie W, Liang R, Wei Z, Zhi L, Zhang X, Hao B, Zhong S, Zhou G, Zhang L, Gao X, Zhu Y, He F. Association of CYP1A2 genetic polymorphisms with hepatocellular carcinoma susceptibility: a case-control study in a high-risk region of China. Pharmacogenet Genomics. 2006 Mar;16(3):219-27.2006IF=5.391

   17. Chen X, Wang L, Zhi L, Zhou G, Wang H, Zhang X, Hao B, Zhu Y, Cheng Z, He F. The G-113A polymorphism in CYP1A2 affects the caffeine metabolic ratio in a Chinese population. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2005 Sep;78(3):249-59.(2005IF=7.526)

   18. Chen XP, Tan ZR, Huang SL, Huang Z, Ou-Yang DS, Zhou HH. Isozyme-specific induction of low-dose aspirin on cytochrome P450 in healthy subjects. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2003 Mar;73(3):264-71.2003IF=6.141

   19. Chen XP,Han XM, Jiang CH, Huang SL, Liu ZQ, Zhu B, Zhou G, Zhou HH. Phenotype distribution and gender-related differences of CYP2E1 activity in a Chinese population. Xenobiotica. 2002 Nov;32(11):1053-62.2002IF=1.919

   20. Gao L, He Y, Tang J, Yin J, Huang Z, Liu F, Ouyang D,Chen X, Zhang W, Liu Z, Zhou H. Genetic Variants of Pregnane X Receptor (PXR) and CYP2B6 Affect the Induction of Bupropion Hydroxylation by Sodium Ferulate. PLoS One. 2013 Jun 19;8(6):e62489.

   21. Huang Q, Yang TL, Tang BS, Chen X, Huang X, Luo XH, Zhu YS,Chen XP,Hu PC, Chen J, Wei W, Zhou HH, Yin JY, Liu ZQ. Two Novel Functional Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of ADRB3 Are Associated With Type 2 Diabetes in the Chinese Population. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013 Jul;98(7):E1272-7.

   22. Zhu J, Song M, Tan HY, Huang LH, Huang ZJ, Liu C, Fu ZM, Huang YY, Tan ZR,Chen XP,Yuan H, Yang GP. Effect of pitavastatin in different SLCO1B1 backgrounds on repaglinide pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in healthy Chinese males. Pak J Pharm Sci. 2013 May;26(3):577-84.

   23. Huang FF, Wu DS, Zhang L, Yu YH, Yuan XY, Li WJ,Chen XP, Zhao XL, Chen FP, Zeng H. Inactivation of PTEN increases ABCG2 expression and the side population through the PI3K/Akt pathway in adult acute leukemia. Cancer Lett. 2013 Aug 9;336(1):96-105.

   24. Yu YH, Zhang L, Wu DS, Zhang Z, Huang FF, Zhang J,Chen XP, Liang DS, Zeng H, Chen FP. MiR-223 Regulates Human Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation by Targeting the IGF-1R/Akt Signaling Pathway. PLoS One. 2013 Nov 8;8(11):e78769.

   25. Yuan M, Zhan Q, Duan X, Song B, Zeng S,Chen X, Yang Q, Xia J. A functional polymorphism at miR-491-5p binding site in the 3'-UTR of MMP-9 gene confers increased risk for atherosclerotic cerebral infarction in a Chinese population. Atherosclerosis. 2012 Dec 8. doi:pii: S0021-9150(12)00821-0.

   26. Qin WJ, Zhang W, Liu ZQ,Chen XP, Tan ZR, Hu DL, Wang D, Fan L, Zhou HH. Rapid clinical induction of bupropion hydroxylation by metamizole in healthy Chinese men. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2012 Dec;74(6):999-1004.

   27. Yang G, Fu Z,Chen X, Yuan H, Yang H, Huang Y, Ouyang D, Tan Z, Tan H, Huang Z, Zhou H. Effects of the CYP oxidoreductase Ala503Val polymorphism on CYP3A activity in vivo: a randomized, open-label, crossover study in healthy Chinese men. Clin Ther. 2011 Dec;33(12):2060-70.2010IF=2.551

   28. Wu WH, Hu CP, Chen XP, Zhang WF, Li XW, Xiong XM, Li YJ. MicroRNA-130a mediates proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells in hypertension. Am J Hypertens. 2011 Oct;24(10):1087-93.(2010IF=3.192)

   29. Qin Q,Chen XP, Yang ZS, Xiao YH, Min H, Li YJ. Neferine increases STI571 chemosensitivity via inhibition of P-gp expression in STI571-resistant K562 cells. Leuk Lymphoma. 2011 Apr;52(4):694-700. (2010IF=2.492)

   30. Ni GH, Chen JF,Chen XP, Yang TL. Soluble epoxide hydrolase: a promising therapeutic target for cardiovascular diseases. Pharmazie. 2011 Mar;66(3):153-7.(2010IF=0.869)

   31. Zhou Z, Peng J, Wang CJ, Li D, Li TT, Hu CP, Chen XP, Li YJ. Accelerated senescence of endothelial progenitor cells in hypertension is related to the reduction of calcitonin gene-related peptide. J Hypertens. 2010 May;28(5):931-9.(2010IF=3.980)

   32. Shi HY, Yan J, Zhu WH, Yang GP, Tan ZR, Wu WH, Zhou G,Chen XP, Ouyang DS. Effects of erythromycin on voriconazole pharmacokinetics and association with CYP2C19 polymorphism. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2010 Nov;66(11):1131-6.(2010IF=3.032)

   33. Yang ZC, Wang KS, Wu Y, Zou XQ, Xiang YY,Chen XP,Li YJ. Asymmetric dimethylarginine impairs glucose utilization via ROS/TLR4 pathway in adipocytes: an effect prevented by vitamin E. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2009;24(1-2):115-24.(2008IF=3.246)

   34. Luo XL, Yang TL,Chen XP,Li YJ. Association of CALCA genetic polymorphism with essential hypertension. Chin Med J (Engl). 2008 Aug 5;121(15):1407-10.(2008IF=0.858)

   35. Zhang W, Deng S,Chen XP, Zhou G, Xie HT, He FY, Cao D, Li YJ, Zhou HH. Pharmacokinetics of rosuvastatin when coadministered with rifampicin in healthy males: a randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study. Clin Ther. 2008 Jul;30(7):1283-9.(2008IF=3.064)

   36. Wang H, Hao B,Chen X, Zhao N, Cheng G, Jiang Y, Liu Y, Lin C, Tan W, Lu D, Wei Q, Jin L, Lin D, He F. Beta-2 adrenergic receptor gene (ADRB2) polymorphism and risk for lung adenocarcinoma: a case-control study in a Chinese population. Cancer Lett. 2006 Aug 28;240(2):297-305.(2006IF=3.277)

   37. Hao B, Miao X, Li Y, Zhang X, Sun T, Liang G, Zhao Y, Zhou Y, Wang H,Chen X, Zhang L, Tan W, Wei Q, Lin D, He F. A novel T-77C polymorphism in DNA repair gene XRCC1 contributes to diminished promoter activity and increased risk of non-small cell lung cancer. Oncogene. 2006 Jun 15;25(25):3613-20.(2006IF=6.582)

   38. Wang H, Jiang Y, Liu Y, Lin C, Cheng G,Chen X, Hao B, Tan W, Lin D, He F. CYP2J2*7 single nucleotide polymorphism in a Chinese population. Clin Chim Acta. 2006 Mar;365(1-2):125-8.(2006IF=2.328)

   39. Wang H, Hao B, Zhou K,Chen X, Wu S, Zhou G, Zhu Y, He F. Linkage disequilibrium and haplotype architecture for two ABC transporter genes (ABCC1 and ABCG2) in Chinese population: implications for pharmacogenomic association studies. Ann Hum Genet. 2004 Nov;68(Pt 6):563-73.(2004IF=2.600)

   40. Hao B, Wang H, Zhou K, Li Y,Chen X, Zhou G, Zhu Y, Miao X, Tan W, Wei Q, Lin D, He F. Identification of genetic variants in base excision repair pathway and their associations with risk of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Res. 2004 Jun 15;64(12):4378-84.(2004IF=7.690)

   41. Zhou G, Zhai Y, Dong X, Li Y, Zhang X, Zhang R, Li S, Li X, He F, Wei H,Chen X, Yao Z, Shen Y, Qiang B, He F. Variants in TNFRSF5 locus and association analysis with Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Hum Mutat. 2004 Jan;23(1):99-100.

   42. Liu J, Liu ZQ, Tan ZR,Chen XP, Wang LS, Zhou G, Zhou HH. Gly389Arg polymorphism of beta1-adrenergic receptor is associated with the cardiovascular response to metoprolol. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2003 Oct;74(4):372-9.(2003IF=6.141)

   43. Yu BN, Chen GL, He N, Ouyang DS,Chen XP,Liu ZQ, Zhou HH. Pharmacokinetics of citalopram in relation to genetic polymorphism of CYP2C19. Drug Metab Dispos. 2003 Oct;31(10):1255-9.(2003IF=3.652)

   44. Huang P, Zhu B, Wang LS, Ouyang DS, Huang SL,Chen XP,Zhou HH. Relationship between CYP3A activity and breast cancer susceptibility in Chinese Han women. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2003 Sep;59(5-6):471-6.(2003IF=1.972)

   45. Zhu B, Liu ZQ, Chen GL,Chen XP,Ou-Yang DS, Wang LS, Huang SL, Tan ZR, Zhou HH. The distribution and gender difference of CYP3A activity in Chinese subjects. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2003 Mar;55(3):264-9.2003IF=2.531

   46. Han XM, Ouyang DS,Chen XP,Shu Y, Jiang CH, Tan ZR, Zhou HH. Inducibility of CYP1A2 by omeprazole in vivo related to the genetic polymorphism of CYP1A2. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2002 Nov;54(5):540-3. (2002IF=2.274)

   47. Zhu B, Chen GL,Chen XP,He N, Liu ZQ, Jiang CH, Wang D, Zhou HH. Genotype of CYP3AP1 associated with CYP3A activity in Chinese Han population. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2002 Jun;23(6):567-72. (2002IF=0.688)

   48. Jiang ZP, Shu Y,Chen XP,Huang SL, Zhu RH, Wang W, He N, Zhou HH. The role of CYP2C19 in amitriptyline N-demethylation in Chinese subjects. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2002 May;58(2):109-13.(2002IF=1.955)

   49. Zhu B, Ou-Yang DS,Chen XP,Huang SL, Tan ZR, He N, Zhou HH. Assessment of cytochrome P450 activity by a five-drug cocktail approach. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2001 Nov;70(5):455-61.(2001IF=5.061)

   50. Han XM, Ou-Yang DS, Lu PX, Jiang CH, Shu Y,Chen XP,Tan ZR, Zhou HH. Plasma caffeine metabolite ratio (17X/137X) in vivo associated with G-2964A and C734A polymorphisms of human CYP1A2. Pharmacogenetics. 2001 Jul;11(5):429-35.(2001IF=4.371)

   51. Liu ZQ, Cheng ZN, Huang SL,Chen XP,Ou-Yang DS, Jiang CH, Zhou HH. Effect of the CYP2C19 oxidation polymorphism on fluoxetine metabolism in Chinese healthy subjects. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2001 Jul;52(1):96-9.(2001IF=2.213)

   52. Wang JH, Liu ZQ, Wang W,Chen XP,Shu Y, He N, Zhou HH. Pharmacokinetics of sertraline in relation to genetic polymorphism of CYP2C19. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2001 Jul;70(1):42-7.(2001IF=5.061)

   53. Han XM,Chen XP,Wu QN, Jiang CH, Zhou HH. G-2964A and C734A genetic polymorphisms of CYP1A2 in Chinese population. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2000 Nov;21(11):1031-4.(2000IF=0.485)

   54. 郭亦杰,陈小平(通讯作者). 二甲基精氨酸二甲胺水解酶表达调控及与疾病的关系中国动脉硬化杂志2010, 18(5): 415-420陈小平(通讯作者)CSCD收录)

   55. 陈敏,陈小平, 郭亦杰, 石瑞正, 张国刚. 脑钠素rs198388基因多态性与湖南汉族人群原发性高血压易感性的关联。在线体育博彩 学报(医学版)2010; 35(12): 1207-1213CSCD收录)

   56. 陈璐佳,陈小平, 石瑞正, 郭亦杰, 陈安, 柏勇平, 陈嘉, 杨天伦, 张国刚. 酪氨酸羟化酶基因C-824T多态性与湖南汉族人群原发性高血压易感性的关联研究 在线体育博彩 学报(医学版)2010, 35(8): 826-832 CSCD收录)

   57. 陈安,陈小平,石瑞正, 郭亦杰, 陈璐佳, 谢明萱, 杨天仑山, 张国刚. 苯乙醇胺-N-甲基转移酶G-390A基因多态性与长沙地区汉族人群原发性高血压易感性的关联. 在线体育博彩 学报(医学版) 2009, 34(11): 1120-1125. CSCD收录)

   58. 于靖, 李文标,陈小平,欧阳冬生, 翟屹民, 王传跃. 细胞色素P4501A2活性与奥氮平代谢的相关性研究 中国临床药理学杂志, 03期, 2009/5/28(中国知网).期刊文章

   59. 孙吉, 陈小平(通讯作者). microRNA与心血管疾病的关系. 分子诊断与治疗杂志 2001 May; 3(3): 192-199.

   60. 陈磊,陈小平(通讯作者),李元建. MicroRNA及其作用靶点单核苷酸多态性研究进展。国际病理科学与临床杂志 2009 (3):211-15.


   1) 陈小平、周宏灏、贺福初、李元建、范岚、郭韧、张伟、周淦、李智、王果。药物处置相关基因与药物反应性和疾病易感性的药物基因组学研究,中华医学会,中华医学科技奖,二等奖,2012年。

    2) 陈小平. 2008年第十二届中国药理学会-Sevier青年药理学工作者奖。


